Campaign Sofa Bed

We designed the bed so that it can be used nightly, and not just as an occasional guest bed.

The metal bed mechanism folds into three and then slides gently into and out of the base of the sofa. An elegant sofa hiding a sleepy secret!

As with the Campaign sofa, our sleeper sofa can be taken apart and moved whenever it needs to be. It is also available upholstered or with loose covers.

Our Campaign Sofa Bed is intended to combine elegant comfortable daytime seating with a comfortable night’s sleep with no compromises – both the sofa and the sleeper sofa itself offer ultimate comfort for sleeping and sitting.

campaign sofa bed 100% Limewash linen

Campaign Sofa Bed in Limewash linen


Campaign Sofa Bed in Ochre Lichen velvet

Campaign Sofa Bed in Limewash linen

Campaign Sofa Bed mattress.

Pure linen bedding on your sofa bed

Our mattresses are super comfy and we can also provide wool/foam free options

We made a video showing the ease with which you can set up the bed, see below.